Thursday, May 3, 2012


Romans 12:11-12
"Do not be slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing always in prayer."

This verse has really been speaking to me lately. Our pastor used it in a sermon a few months ago- not as a main point but as kind of an afterthought story he put in about his college days. Yet it has stuck with me so thoroughly the past few months.
I put it on the chalkboard above my desk, intending that it would be the sort of thing that I would update ever week or so with new quotes or verses or whatever... but I haven't yet been able to erase it.

I think that has to do with a few things.

One, I know that when God speaks, it isn't necessarily all at once. When He first called me into the ministry, it took over a year for a plan to come forth and a path to be set- so all I had for a year to go on was what God told me at a conference: "You can't go back to school next year. Trust me, and I'll show you the way."
So when I put that verse on the board, at first I was particularly drawn to "do not be slothful in business." Get to it! Whatever it is, hop up and get going. Words that I desperately needed to hear a few months back. Now, my favorite part is "continuing always in prayer."
Our intern team has been working through a reading plan that includes increased prayer time and meditation, something that is super hard for me. I live a fast paced life and always have another thing on the plate- I very much tend toward the "we can pray when the work is done" attitude, and I have been trying to turn myself from it. But what God has really been showing me lately is that He demands ALL of my time. He doesn't want me to sit in an empty room all day, He wants me to be productive and active in ministry, in work, in friendships, in family, in hobbies- in everything. So that means multi-tasking.

Oh, and not to mention that verse in 1 Thessalonians about praying without ceasing.

I can pray in the car. I can talk to God in the shower. I can even praise God while I am cleaning the house. There are so many times in a day that I, for whatever reason, have not seen as potential times of connecting with God! There are also things I can't double task on, like watching TV or having a conversation with someone. But I am also learning to prioritize those things, choosing not to turn on the television or settle in for another Pinterest session without making sure I have put in time with my savior.

And trust me, it has made each day better when I do.

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