Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ready, set...

This is the inaugural post of my very own blog. To be honest, I have always wanted to start a blog, but a variety of things have stopped me in the past. I feel like I have things to say and to share, but I just never had the confidence to put them into words before.
But here I am!

Basically, I want this to be an uplifting blog. It will include all sorts of awesome things that I love, and not every post will be the same thing. It will be about walking with God, but also crafts and cooking and who knows what else. All I can say is that I am excited.

So! Lets just be honest with each other from the beginning.
There are some things you need to know about me.

1) I love the Lord. That is the one thing I won't compromise on! This doesn't make me a bible wielding, holier-than-thou nightmare however, and I sure as heck won't force it on anyone. Just be warned! I work at a church and spend the majority of my time working for and with a youth group. I love my job, and it is undoubtedly going to spill into this :-)

2) I do not spend hours crafting... all the time. I have a job, I volunteer about 40 hours a week with a youth ministry team, I love my friends, and I live an hour away from my family, so I spend a lot of my precious free time either sleeping or with the people I love. But I day dream about crafts and cooking like nobody's business, and I will post them as often as I can!

3) Sometimes, I am not very patient about cutting straight lines. I use "mostly exact" measurements when I cook. I experiment with, rearrange, switch out and modify patterns, recipes and ideas whenever I need to. I live in a small apartment with two roommates, and space and/or supplies might be limited.  Just know when I post a tutorial of some kind, I am a big fan of laments terms.

4) I have an iPhone, and I love it. Mostly I tell you this just so you know where the pictures are coming from ALL THE TIME. Other then that, I am a single girl with very limited disposable income, so you can pretty much guarantee that everything I do is going to be on the cheap. Something that even the wealthiest of us can appreciate, I am sure!

That is all I can think of right now! I am working on a few different things right now, and as I finish them I can't wait to share them with you.

Check back soon for more updates!

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